Case study

Made by Mitchell

Going viral with the Made by Mitchell launch in Boots stores.
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The Challenge

When the renowned mega-influencer and make-up virtuoso Mitchell Halliday (popularly known as Mmmmitchell in the social scene) approached us for the exclusive launch of his brand, Made By Mitchell, in Boots stores, we understood the need for a captivating campaign that would showcase his dazzling, transformative products and stunning artistry.
Our objectives were:

·       Deliver a memorable, enjoyable brand launch in Boots targeting Gen Z.

·       Drive purchases aiming for a sales uplift of 250%.  

·       Enhance social media engagement, aiming for over five million impressions.

The Strategy

• Social media posts with teaser content generally have a 50% higher engagement rate than regular promotional posts.

• Events that incorporate a teasing strategy in their marketing campaigns often report a 15-25% increase in attendance compared to similar events without such strategies. So, our ideas immediately sparked a social media teaser to hype up Mitchell’s followers about the launch.

• Interactions between celebrities and fans on social media can significantly influence fans' behaviour and establish stronger psychological relationships. This suggests that meet-and-greets, which offer even more direct interaction, could have a powerful effect on brand affinity.

• Fans are likely to share positive meet-and-greet experiences, as evidenced by the numerous stories shared online. This organic promotion can significantly boost brand awareness and positive associations. With Mitchell’s loyal fanbase, we knew we needed to include him wherever possible to drive brand loyalty and love amongst consumers.

With the launch, we wanted to capture the spirit of the Made by Mitchell brand, which is unapologetically authentic, inclusive and, most of all, fun. So, we went bold, beautiful, and with lots and lots of bubbles! 🫧

The Activation

To utilise Mitchell’s substantial social media following, he announced the launch to millions of followers online with playful teaser videos, hinting at something exciting arriving in Boots.  To tease the campaign, we delivered a colourful social stunt that made a splash (literally). Video footage captured graffiti artists in white hooded boiler suits (posing as Mitchell himself) plastering a huge Made by Mitchell logo mural across Boots Battersea store windows in bright, brand colours. This daring stunt generated significant local buzz and social media sharing pre-event, which drove footfall into Boots.

In-store, our retro laundromat burst with goodies promoting the “Fresh for You” products. A giant washing machine overflowed with candy pink soap suds accompanied by Made by Mitchell washing powder and detergent, of course.

Lucky visitors queued in their hundreds outside the store to meet Mitchell in person, snapping photos with him as he educated them on the efficacy and benefits of his brand, strengthening psychological connections with fans and his brand. They got to experience his legendary masterclass, sampling the eclectic range of vibrant beauty and skin products. These interactions were shared widely on social media, further amplifying the brand’s presence and generating organic buzz.

Net Promoter Score
% sales uplift
million online impressions

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